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2018, Here We Come!

Hey First Grade Families,

Welcome to 2018! With the busy Christmas season, and a short week back last week, it is definitely time for a classroom update! I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed your Christmas vacation and found lots of time for family, friends, and being active with your child! I certainly enjoyed lots of family time, downhill skiing, and lots of winter walks.

Before break, we had a great visit from the Wexford County Road Commission to teach us about snow plow safety! They emphasized how BIG the plows and trucks really are, how the driver cannot look down and see people or animals on the road over the plow, and how important it is to NOT build snow forts in the big piles of snow along the curb or side of your road. It is very dangerous to play there. What if a plow came through and pushed more snow on top of where a child was playing? What if the snow caved in on top of a child? What if the driver couldn't see children playing on those snow hills? Be safe and follow the snowplow safety tips!! Check out the slideshow!

It was fun to kick off Christmas break by sharing some of my favorite things with our first graders- READING & snowshoeing! We played a fun musical chairs game for our Christmas book exchange. The kids loved it, and had a great time opening gifts from their friends!

This is what snowshoeing with 27 first graders looks like!! We are buckled in and ready to go! Mrs. Powell got a good work out just getting everyone in their snowshoes and they were so patient!

Sometimes, your snowshoes fall off your super tiny first grade feet, and other friends are willing to carry them for you!

All my little ducks in a row!

Time to relax and take a break! This is harder than they thought!

Then we headed in for a rest and hot cocoa! Whew! A 1/2 mile snowshoe adventure in the books! Snow, what fun!

Coming back from break, we rang in the new year by talking about resolutions and our personal goals. We read the book Squirrel's New Year Resolutions, and made some resolutions of our own!

And we made some fun snowman art for the hallway! I think they turned out adorable!

Here's where we are at in the curriculum:

Math - we have started learning about the base ten system. Our goals in this chapter are to count by tens, understand that teen numbers are made of tens and ones, and write numbers to 120 starting at any number. At home, you can help your child by ensuring they can count by tens to 120, and know how to identify all numbers up to 120 (there are still some students who do not know the names of some numbers on the 120 chart or how to count to 120 - so please keep practicing!).

This week already, we will be learning how to add tens 60+10, 80+10, etc. We will also be learning how to make a ten to add quickly. Please be sure to check over your child's work that is sent home to see how they are progressing on their understanding of these concepts.

Now that spelling lists have started, if you are looking for a FUN way to practice, try this! Get some colored craft sand from Michael's art supply store in TC, Amazon, or even in the craft aisle at Walmart. Use a baking sheet and have students write their words in the sand. Have them say each letter as they write it. This fun activity hits 2 skills: spellings, and handwriting with proper letter formation. Additionally, this multi-sensory way of practicing helps information really "stick" in our brains!

Spelling - the next spelling list will come home on Tuesday, and the test will be on Monday (unless we have a snow day, then we will extend it a day again).

Reading - please continue reading with your child at home. By the end of January, we will be checking in on your child's reading growth. Remember, that students should be a level F or higher at this time to be considered 'on grade level'. You will know your child's reading level when I send a note home in their folder, and it will also be recorded on their next report card. Additionally, your child always knows their correct reading level! Please keep putting in the effort to read leveled reader book bag books in a timely manner and returning them to school every 3-4 days. Also, any time a story comes home that says we have practiced it in class several times, this is for your child to read to you! Then you can sign it and send it back to school.

Looking forward to another great week!!

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