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Going Batty!

We are going batty here in first grade! In a good way, though! We are doing a two week comparison study on the books Stellaluna and Nightsong. This week we read Stellaluna and learned new vocabulary words, such as: clamored, escape, swooped, curious, clutched, and echolocation. We talked about adjectives this week and described Stellaluna's character traits, as well as the character traits of some people in our classroom! We also took a break from our math workbooks to practice our addition and subtraction within 10 by making a bat craft. When art merges with other lessons and activities, we call that a craftivity! They are most enjoyable!

Here is the story, Stellaluna, if you have not yet heard it. It is one of my favorites! Also, here is the echolocation song that students LOVE!

We also had our first classroom party to celebrate BASEBALL WORDS! The entire class worked hard to learn their baseball words individually. As we all help each other out and work toward a common goal, we stop to celebrate along the way! Each time the entire class passes their word list, we will give out certificates for each ball word level to that individual child, and then celebrate as a class when everyone passes the list. We are only 1 student away from passing soccer ball words and then we can have a soccer party!

Thank you to Emma, our budding 1st grade iPhone photographer, for taking pictures of the kids in action during the baseball party. The kids had a great time catching grounders, practicing throwing over hand, and running bases. It was awesome to get outside and take a break from the routine of the day. We had a long stretch of active play time. We went right from P.E to the baseball celebration, to lunch recess! Whew! What a great early afternoon brain break!

THANK YOU to all the parents that sent in yummy goodies for our Halloween party! The kids loved all the treats, crackers, cheese, fruit, bottled water, and more! YUM! We watched a little bit of Spooky Buddies and relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. I really appreciate all the parents that came to help! Shout out to Cashton's mom, Colin's parents, Delila's mom, Alyssa's mom, and Leo's parents! Your help with costumes, set up, clean up, and packing folders was much appreciated! I couldn't have done it without you! Many hands make light work, and I want you to know how thankful I am for you all!

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