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Frequently Asked Questions


We really need and appreciate all of the requested items!

Thank you for helping your child have all of the materials needed to have fun and be successful at school. 


  • 1 set of headphones or earbuds

  • Pencils & erasers: Keep your own supply, but donations for the classroom are welcome, too! 

  • Gym shoes/gym clothes for P.E. days

  • Full size backpack (no mini backpacks) 

  • 1 package (or more!) of lined, 3-hole punched, loose leaf paper for your use; donations to the classroom are also welcome! 

  • 1-1.5" Black 3-ring  binder with clear view plastic on the spine and front cover. 


The following items are not required, but our classroom would greatly benefit from the following donations: 

  • Sticky notes (regular square and mini)

  • highlighters, colored pencils, markers


You will NOT need: 

  • spiral notebooks 


Snacks can help children perform and function better in the classroom. We all do well when we are not hungry. Snacks will be allowed in class, as long as you follow these guidelines: 


ONLY fresh fruit, veggies, and reasonable snacks are allowed.. Reasonable snacks include: crackers, granola bars, pretzels, string cheese, yogurt, applesauce, cheese, or other items that are not sugary junk food. Fruit snacks ARE NOT a fruit. They are sugary and fall in the junk food category. 


*Students are welcome to bring a water bottle that does not spill if tipped over. Please only fill with water! Please refrain from bringing any bottles with a twist cap lid (like the ones found on pop bottles or bottled water). 






Toys & Things

Children are asked to keep toys, technology devices and personal belongings home unless it relates to a classroom project/activity. Keeping these things at home minimizes distraction and prevents beloved items from being lost, stolen, or damaged.


Fidget toys of any kind are not allowed in class. If you need something to assist in your learning/focus, the student should meet with Mrs. Powell to talk about helpful options.


If items are brought to school and become a distraction in class, they will be taken and placed in the office for parents to pick up. 

Brithday Treats

Mrs. Powell's HOMEROOM ONLY (1st hour):


Students typically do not bring birthday treats at this age.


If you feel the need to bring in a treat, you may bring one small item that that is individually wrapped to be shared at a time that is convenient for our learning schedule. It MUST be peanut-tree nut free and in the original package so that the label can be checked at school.



Daily Communication

This year, you will have a planner to fill out. It is up to each individual student and/or teacher for how this is done. 


In our ELA class, students will fill out their planner daily. This is a great communication tool to remind yourself what we did in class, when assignments are due, and whether you have homework or not. Planners should be shared with families to communicate and help stay accountable for school work.It is very important for parents to stay connected to the daily learning topics, the assignments/due dates, etc. just as much as the students. 


Please ask your child EVERY DAY to see their planner and have them go over it with you. Ask them to explain what they have learned, what they still want to know/need clarification on, and if there is any homework. 


Your child will also be bringing home graded assignments and things pertaining to our ELA class. Be sure to ask your child daily if they have any work to show you! At this age, they often forget or won't offer to show you---but please ask and show interest, just as you did in elementary school! 

Contact Mrs. Powell 

The best way to contact Mrs. Powell during the day is via E-Mail. The classroom phone is set to go directly to voicemail to minimize classroom interruptions while working with students. If you would like to leave a voicemail, calls are typically returned at the end of the school day or the next morning. E-mail is checked throughout the day and will get you the fastest response. 


If you have an emergency, please contact the office and they will immediately notify me. The number is 231.876.5600 


Parent volunteers are welcome in the classroom and within the school in a variety of ways. We love additional helping hands!


As volunteer opportunities arise, they will will be sent out via email or text messages. We'll match up our schedules and confirm everything before you begin.  


Please be sure your student is able to handle having you in the classroom or school: can they still stay focused on their school work and listen to the teacher? Can they still follow school rules with you around? Can they 'share' you with other students? If the answer to all of those is yes, then your time at school will be most enjoyable and rewarding! 

Grading Scale

93-100 A

90-92 A-

87-89 B+

83-86 B

80-82 B-

77-79 C+

73-76 C

70-72 C-

67-69 D+

63-66 D

60-62 D-

59- below E

Parent Portal

Students and parents are strongly encouraged to use Parent Portal frequently in order to be accountable for grades and assignments.


This is where you can check grades, assignments, posts/announcements for your classes, messages from your teachers, and more! 


Please download the app on your phone, or access the website.



Social Events (Parties & Invites)

If you would like to send home invites during the school day, please be mindful of  everyone's friendships and feelings. If you have an invite for the whole class, they may hand them out during a convenient time in our day.


If you are only inviting a select few students, they should hand them out discreetly before/after school.


This helps prevent any hurt feelings, and promotes positive friendships and interactions! Thank you for being considerate of others when planning a party or event for yourself.

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